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TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground



Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Why??? said:
You like to attack people because you WANT to hurt them. You have an internal failing because you are miserable every day of your life.
Damn straight I'm miserable. I like to spread the "sunshine", too.

{QUOTE=Go ahead.. cut em off.. TJ will buy me new ones to motorbaot.. lol.. ;) .. :)

Have a nice day!


Always finding the loopholes, aren't you?

Malibu Barbie - Whore

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

TJ - you are such a fuking tool...

Mz. Motorboat

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Unregistered said:
Always finding the loopholes, aren't you?
That's right.. bitch.. lol.. ;) .. :)

You don't love TJ like I do..

Have a nice day!


Malibu Skipper

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Mz. Motorboat said:
That's right.. bitch.. lol.. ;) .. :) You don't love TJ like I do..

Have a nice day!

Just don't be an irresponsible vagina and get yourself knocked up.

Responsible vagina

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Malibu Skipper said:
Just don't be an irresponsible vagina and get yourself knocked up.
Not possible with a man like TJ.. You're just jealous.. lol.. ;) .. :)

I want 10 kids with the last vestige of hope.. *sigh

Go to hell, bitch!


I Wish I Was Tami

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Well, if any of you REALLY loved TJ, you would have joined his fan club like I did. So just back off! Bitchez...

TJ's #1 Fan

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

And if you knew anything about having a responsible vagina you would know that he only reproduces in plastic cups for infertile women.

I was a receptor of his seed. And it was good.

Now, he and my husband take turns disciplining our boy.

Malibu Skipper

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

I Wish I Was Tami said:
Well, if any of you REALLY loved TJ, you would have joined his fan club like I did. So just back off! Bitchez...
Is there a membership fee for that?

Failed hater

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

TJ said:
And if you knew anything about having a responsible vagina you would know that he only reproduces in plastic cups for infertile women. I was a receptor of his seed. And it was good.

Now, he and my husband take turns disciplining our boy.
hahahahaha.. ****ing.. ha

malibu Ken

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Malibu Skipper said:
Is there a membership fee for that?
Don't worry sweetie, I got ya covered.

The photos you get of him are priceless for helping to fill that turkey baster!

My man!

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

TJ said:
And if you knew anything about having a responsible vagina you would know that he only reproduces in plastic cups for infertile women. I was a receptor of his seed. And it was good.

Now, he and my husband take turns disciplining our boy.
Well.. if you knew anything.. you'd know we don't have a turkey baster named dick gravey for nothing.. lol.. ;)

My TJ.. he likes to be so silly... Sometimes he motorboats my azz too.. lol..

have a nice day, jealous bitch.. lol.. ;)


Silicone Barbie

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Oh What Ever! You're just jealous because I have more silicone than YOU do! You Estrogen Mafia Flunkee!

GI Joe

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Silicone Barbie said:
Oh What Ever! You're just jealous because I have more silicone than YOU do! You Estrogen Mafia Flunkee!
Hey.. are you free?

I could kill TJ without a shred of emotion, like a doctor cutting away cancer.


Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

There is so much hatred an hostility for this person that goes by Timesjoke... I don't get why you are all such haters.

It can only be because you are jealous of his wide and varied experiences, his wealth and his tremendous success.

Secret Confession

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

clueless said:
There is so much hatred an hostility for this person that goes by Timesjoke... I don't get why you are all such haters.It can only be because you are jealous of his wide and varied experiences, his wealth and his tremendous success.
I know I am.. :(

Malibu Ken

Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

clueless said:
There is so much hatred an hostility for this person that goes by Timesjoke... I don't get why you are all such haters.It can only be because you are jealous of his wide and varied experiences, his wealth and his tremendous success.
I just want to stick it up his pooper. I think I've almost talked him into it, too!

Now where were those fan photos, again? I think I need some relief.


Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

I just want some silicone and sperm and I'm good.


Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
I was actually not a good friend for MrsK either.
Got that right, you're a not a good "friend" for anybody.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground


You guys are awsome!!!

I have to admit that I am usually very interested in how much some of you obsess about me over the weekends, when I have my kids the internet is not usually something I will waste my time on, priorities and all that, but I have to say you guys have taken things to a whole new level, I am flattered to be such a huge part of your every day lives, I must mean more to you guys than you will let yourselves admit.

?What comes first, the compass or the clock? Before one can truly manage time (the clock), it is important to know where you are going, what your priorities and goals are, in which direction you are headed (the compass). Where you are headed is more important than how fast you are going. Rather than always focusing on what's urgent, learn to focus on what is really important.?