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TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: Hey.....whitey!!!!!

Well you do see mexican and black guys with the big white girls more than white guys with big white girls........I know blacks and mexicans do like their women to be thicker on average than white guys so I understand that....and maybe that is the same thing that has the big white girls looking to other races if the white guys don't really tend to like them....I guess.

The only part I don't like is the mixed kids, not because I am racist or anything but because I have seen up close how the mixed kids have a very difficult time fitting in with society. My son's best friend is mixed and he had a lot of problems growing up in a world where he was not completely white, and not completely black. He told me if anything, it was the blacks who were more cruel than the whites. He is like my own son and he even comes to see me for my birthdays and father's day. I love that kid (now a young man).

I just wish I could have saved him from that pain.


Eschew obfuscation
Oct 24, 2007
Re: Hey.....whitey!!!!!

timesjoke said:
Well you do see mexican and black guys with the big white girls more than white guys with big white girls........I know blacks and mexicans do like their women to be thicker on average than white guys so I understand that....and maybe that is the same thing that has the big white girls looking to other races if the white guys don't really tend to like them....I guess.The only part I don't like is the mixed kids, not because I am racist or anything but because I have seen up close how the mixed kids have a very difficult time fitting in with society. My son's best friend is mixed and he had a lot of problems growing up in a world where he was not completely white, and not completely black. He told me if anything, it was the blacks who were more cruel than the whites. He is like my own son and he even comes to see me for my birthdays and father's day. I love that kid (now a young man).

I just wish I could have saved him from that pain.

If you want to play your little side jab game and call me fat, do it in the free for all instead of dragging it out from thread, to thread, to muther fukking thread!

Take it there so I can ignore your bullsh!t and enjoy myself on the main board, you butt hole.

Obviously you're in dire need of some fukking attention today, so go to your playground and I'm sure you'll get it.

You fukking suck.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: Hey.....whitey!!!!!

lol, I will post what I want where I want and will not be bullied by you for any reason Ali.

I was not trying to call you fat Ali, you call you fat, I am just agreeing with you, lol.

Seems like once again a sore loser can dish out abuse hundreds of times, but can't take one speck of it returned.....and I didn't even try to take a shot at you Ali, that is the real funny part.

You just brought to mind my son's best friend and his problems with being mixed Ali, I am sorry if your so fast to explode you won't even read all of what I say these days, if you did you might have shown a tad more respect for the issue I was pointing out about how tough life can be for mixed kids.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: Hey.....whitey!!!!!

mercury said:
so you're a quart low and working on filling up?
I am not sure what your trying to say Merc?

Just come out and say what is on your mind without the games.
Big Time BS
Mar 3, 2008
Re: Hey.....whitey!!!!!

She's saying...you are so full of sh!t your eyes are brown. It's a fairly common saying.

The fact that you say your eyes are blue...indicates that you are working at filling them up again...so to speak.

That'll be 10$ for the translation.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: Hey.....whitey!!!!!

I understand the saying but it does not apply in this situation so I was wanting her to elaborate on her usage.

But if you want $10 just pm me your paypal and I will sent it to you, your worth it ;)
Big Time BS'er
Mar 2, 2008
Re: Hey.....whitey!!!!!

you, sir, are full of sh!t.

you baited... she bit. That was exactly your intention with the first paragraph of your reply. See I can read minds, too.

Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: Hey.....whitey!!!!!

mercury said:
you, sir, are full of sh!t. you baited... she bit. That was exactly your intention with the first paragraph of your reply. See I can read minds, too.

Your entitled to your opinion, but your wrong, but what am I to expect from someone who spent her time going through my personal messages looking for stuff to tell Ali and eddo about?

Your one of the bully crowd Merc, you could not see straight on these issues to save your soul.
Big Time BS'er
Mar 2, 2008
Re: Hey.....whitey!!!!!

personal messages? nope PROFILE messages. and I didn't tell anyone anything that your PROFILE messages contained... only that there was no evidence to be found of your claim.

you are also entitled to your opinion.. doesn't mean everyone has to agree with it. I certainly don't.

I spend a lot of time just watching, TJ... but sometimes the sh!t just gets too deep to ignore.

I often advise the others who go round and round with you to ignore you because you feed off the attention.... but sometimes, like I mentioned up there, it gets hard to overlook it.

I'll admit that I've joined in on occasion... why can't you?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: Hey.....whitey!!!!!

mercury said:
personal messages? nope PROFILE messages. and I didn't tell anyone anything that your PROFILE messages contained... only that there was no evidence to be found of your claim.
Semantics Merc, you stuck your nose in messages intended for personal communication for your personal desires to flame me. I never said the communications were on the Jungle private messages or any other place, so your being nosey proved nothing but your lack of character.

mercury said:
you are also entitled to your opinion.. doesn't mean everyone has to agree with it. I certainly don't.

I spend a lot of time just watching, TJ... but sometimes the sh!t just gets too deep to ignore.

I often advise the others who go round and round with you to ignore you because you feed off the attention.... but sometimes, like I mentioned up there, it gets hard to overlook it.
But ignoring me would not give anyone the excuse to use such pretty words, lol.

mercury said:
I'll admit that I've joined in on occasion... why can't you?
I have admitted it a couple times, but I can't admit to something that is not the truth Merc.

I don't "join in" nearly as much as you guys try to make it sound but again, even if I did, why would only "I" be the monster?
Big Time BS'er
Mar 2, 2008
Re: Hey.....whitey!!!!!

I never said that you were the only one acting like an ass.

I just don't understand why if you don't like Ali and Ali doesn't like you, you don't BOTH stay out of each other's posts. it appears that she does try to avoid yours, but you seem to stalk hers.

I don't understand why you need to drag Eddo's name into every argument you have about being "picked on" and use it to justify current behavior.

And I don't understand why you keep feeding into it.

Explain these things to me... I'm a glutton for understanding.


One more thing: If someone was talking sh!t behind your back, wouldn't you use whatever resources you had available to find out who and why? I was curious... so I looked. because I could. The end.
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Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Wow, the posts were moved, I am good with that, but why is it this is only done to protect Ali?

Funny as hell, seriously.

Ali and eddo have directly flammed me in many threads and nobody ever moved their comments. Beautiful :)
Big Time BS'er
Mar 2, 2008
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

Maybe there's someone with the ability to move them sick of seeing it spread all over every post, too.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: Hey.....whitey!!!!!

timesjoke said:
You just brought to mind my son's best friend and his problems with being mixed Ali, I am sorry if your so fast to explode you won't even read all of what I say these days, if you did you might have shown a tad more respect for the issue I was pointing out about how tough life can be for mixed kids.
Despite my mixed ethnicity, I never had a hard time adjusting to an all white surburban school and community.

And I wasn't ashamed of my heritage, either.

And I was dark skinned little thing, too.
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

mercury said:
Maybe there's someone with the ability to move them sick of seeing it spread all over every post, too.
Maybe, but interesting when Ali and eddo and even chi sometimes spamming my every post with flames nobody does a thing.......

But when Ali gets beat, she runs off to ask the mods to protect her from the mean Times,,,,,boo hoo :(

Funny as hell.


RO there are of course exceptions, but in general I do believe most of the time mixed kids have a rougher life, it is tough enough to be a teen these days without adding identity confusion on top of it all.
I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For
Sep 5, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

timesjoke said:
RO there are of course exceptions, but in general I do believe most of the time mixed kids have a rougher life, it is tough enough to be a teen these days without adding identity confusion on top of it all.
So when your little princess comes home with that big black buck, you will say to her "Don't have kids, they will not adapt to society."?
Progressive Killer
Aug 28, 2007
Re: TJ's own, private "Personal attack" playground

mercury said:
I never said that you were the only one acting like an ass.

I just don't understand why if you don't like Ali and Ali doesn't like you, you don't BOTH stay out of each other's posts. it appears that she does try to avoid yours, but you seem to stalk hers.
Ali avoids mine? Your completely crazy. Maybe 'this week' she is trying to dodge me but on the whole, ali and eddo...and chi sometimes spam flames on me all over the fourm and go out of their way to be nasty to me. Ali even faked a concern over "motorboat" sex play when I said it was fun for the specific intent to call me names with any excuse.

I see you say we "both" do wrong and while I would beg to differ especially on the percentage in comparison I ask why it is you have "NEVER" said anything negative to her but you always say bad about me?

Your just part of Ali's gang Merc, nothing more, nothing less.

mercury said:
I don't understand why you need to drag Eddo's name into every argument you have about being "picked on" and use it to justify current behavior.
eddo is always part of them Merc, in this case eddo said something incredibly stupid as an intended flame on me, Ali called herself being a good friend and comming to his rescue by flamming me to get me off of eddo.

Ali looked foolish so she wants to move it here off the regular forum.

mercury said:
And I don't understand why you keep feeding into it.
Are you kidding me?

It is fun as hell to watch them get more and more rediclious with their flames just because they are angry. I have as yet to hear from one person that believed Ali thought a 'motorboat' was really supressing all women in the world as Ali claimed. Everyone said she was just going off the deepend to be ugly, and I was almost pissing myself laughiung at her attempts to make that crap sound reasonable.

mercury said:
One more thing: If someone was talking sh!t behind your back, wouldn't you use whatever resources you had available to find out who and why? I was curious... so I looked. because I could. The end.
Not if it was immoral Merc, snooping in private communications is immoral no matter how you try to slice it.

I have been an administrator on more boards than I can easily count and I currently run three, I have never in my life been tempted to snoop in private messages.


Now I have a question for you.

Why was it okay for Ali, eddo, and Chi to spamm attacks on me all over the forum, even sometimes just to call me a liar (chi's most popular post these days) but now all of a sudden Ali is wanting to keep the "mess" off the regular forum?

So it is only good for the regular forum as long as "SHE" says it is?


RoyalOrleans said:
So when your little princess comes home with that big black buck, you will say to her "Don't have kids, they will not adapt to society."?
To a certain extent I already do, but not in such ways to close her mind and make her do it as a kind of rebellion.

Instead I expose her to things like my son's friend. Chris is at the House very regular and we discuss his difficulties openly so my daughter will see hard facts and results for her to learn from.

We have even discussed her seeing the same thing with two of the other kids in her school. I never broke the subject, she has, and we talked about how difficult it is on the kids. Maybe society will move past this some day, I certainly hope so, but until then we have to face facts.
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