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Dear timesjoke

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Jun 7, 2009
I have registered now just to add to the gravitas of the situation :(

There must be something you need to take that piece of illiterate dickwad back??????

He was bad enough at Free Speech Forum ( still a member with us here, but not posted for a few weeks so it has been extremely pleasant).

You have the members to stand up to him and the color of his posting style. You also have Moderators who stand no nonsense.

Please, I beg you on bended knee!!!

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Just keep telling him "I'm not you" everytime he opens his pie hole to call you a liberal and eventually he'll turn to outright lying and attempting to manipulate the administrators by demanding rules, which always favor him, or else, be enforced... He'll begin by claiming reams of PM's and/or e mails from 15 - 20 ghosts supporting him and threaten they will all leave unless they do his bidding until they get fed up trying to tell him to stfu and that they know what he's doing and ban his stupid ass.. Shouldn't take more than a week..

Good luck and godspeed..
Jun 7, 2009
Problem is that he already doing that.

The site Mods are weak and just take it!


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
DaMan said:
Problem is that he already doing that.The site Mods are weak and just take it!
Walk on eggshells.. pay the price.. oh well.. can't help ya there.
Jun 7, 2009
wez said:
Walk on eggshells.. pay the price.. oh well.. can't help ya there.
Thx for your advice :(

I guess we will have to live with it. But if neone can come up with an idea on how to get rid of him, please tell.



Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
DaMan said:
Thx for your advice :( I guess we will have to live with it. But if neone can come up with an idea on how to get rid of him, please tell.

Well.. Tell him wez said "hi and he's not you"... Perhaps he'll get so pissed he spontaneously combusts.. Worth a shot..


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
DaMan said:
:) Yes I have read some of your "discussions". That might work
hahahaha... "discussions".. yeah.. he's one slick.. "debater"


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
DaMan said:
should the "l" have been in the word "slick"?
Only when I'm not being sarcastic.. which is infrequent..

Yah.. he's sick allright.. :D
Jun 7, 2009
At least he knows he is an idiot, Quote form TimesJoke

"I pay for hosting for two forums, if an idiot like me can do it, I am sure anyone can do it, lol. "

I wonder what forums they are???


Big Time BS
Sep 3, 2007
DaMan said:
At least he knows he is an idiot, Quote form TimesJoke"I pay for hosting for two forums, if an idiot like me can do it, I am sure anyone can do it, lol. "

I wonder what forums they are???
I have no idea.. but I'm sure.. "Liar Joe" knows... hahahahahaha
Big Time BS'er
Mar 2, 2008
Really want to rile him up? Tell him you're part of the estrogen mafia, you have an irresponsible vagina and consider abortion the best birth control method ever.

Toss in a comment or 2 about his girlfriend's inflatable tits and ask him where the Mosque he's building this week is located and you'll really see the best side of him.

But don't call him a liar! He doesn't like that, even though it's his favorite defensive tactic.
Big Time BS'er
Mar 2, 2008
DaMan said:
At least he knows he is an idiot, Quote form TimesJoke"I pay for hosting for two forums, if an idiot like me can do it, I am sure anyone can do it, lol. "

I wonder what forums they are???
He has one of the links posted over on free speech forum, somewhere :)

Found it for you: http://www.divinewow.net/

I wonder how long he'd tolerate @ssholes messing with his forums before he bans them? Probably not nearly as long as we did.
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Long Time Gone
Mar 13, 2010
DaMan said:
Problem is that he already doing that.The site Mods are weak and just take it!
The site mods or admins probably believe his bull. He told me that if we banned him we would lose all his followers that he was ready to bring here from his fictional sites. he also told me I would lose many users if we banned him. Guess what? We banned him and we gained users that left because of him. Tell the mods to grow a pair and ban him. His followers like his sites are all figments of his imagination.
Jun 7, 2009
Thank you Wes, Mercury and Cloaked!

From what you have said, there is a lot of ammunition out there which can be used in an appropriate weapon to blow this butt hole wide open.

I will gather as much as I can over the next week or so, then we will have a Broadside.
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